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Remembering those special moments shared in life and honouring the memory of a loved one.

Express your sympathy and honour the memory of a loved one with a Memorial or Tribute Donation. This a meaningful way to let the next of kin know that you are thinking about them and that you care.

In making this type of gift, you not only honour an individuals memory, you honour a commitment to local health care. A memorial gift is a way for you to remember this special person and to let others know how much they meant to you.

The SMGH Foundation will send an announcement of your gift to the next of kin. The amount of your gift is kept strictly confidential. You will also receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation.

Please provide us with the name of the person who has passed away and the address of the next of kin or family member. We will send a memorial letter to the family on your behalf for the donation. Please note: Unless you specify that you wish to remain anonymous, your name will be forward to the family member or friend if they request this information.

For more information, please call 519-246-5906 or email us.